📄️ Install Beaver Builder via Composer
You can install Beaver Builder Plugin, Beaver Builder Theme, or Beaver Themer
📄️ WP-CLI for Beaver Builder Plugin and Theme
Description of Beaver Builder's commands to use with WP-CLI.
📄️ Rename or remove Tools menu items
This tutorial gives you details of how to customize the Tools menu, such as removing or renaming menu items.
📄️ Customize settings forms
Information about using a Beaver Builder filter to customize Beaver Builder settings forms.
📄️ Common Beaver Builder filter examples
Beaver Builder has many filters. This article describes how to use some of the common ones.
📄️ Add icons to your custom modules
If you're a developer and have created a custom module, there are several ways to add an icon to its display in the Content panel.
📄️ Customize row resizing behavior
Row resizing behavior controls the max width of the content container within
📄️ Customize keyboard shortcuts
The keyboard shortcut system in the Beaver Builder editor offers many keyboard shortcuts, and they are customizable. You can remove keyboard
📄️ Change how CSS and JavaScript are loaded
Instead of loading Beaver Builder CSS and JavaScript as an asset file, you can
📄️ Create a custom module to compare images with a slider
In this tutorial, you'll create a module plugin for Beaver Builder that lets you
📄️ Create a filter to customize the display of post data
If you want to display a custom set of posts and custom post types (CPTs) in a Posts or Search module, you can create a filter to override query args in the FLBuilderLoop class.
📄️ Add a custom shape layer
This tutorial provides instructions on how to register a custom shape programmatically, allowing you to select it from the list of available shapes when configuring top or bottom shapes in row settings.