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Version: Beaver Themer 1.4

Conditional Shortcode Examples

The examples in this article demonstrates how to use conditional field connections for standard WordPress fields, custom WordPress fields and Advanced Custom Fields.

If [wpbb-if]​

Below are some examples that showcase the practical use of the [wpbb-if] shortcode:

In this example, we are verifying whether a post contains a featured image or not. When the statement evaluates to TRUE, the post's featured image will be displayed. However, if the statement evaluates to FALSE, no image will be shown for the post.

[wpbb-if post:featured_image]

<div class="fl-post-image">

[wpbb post:featured_image size="large" display="tag" linked="yes"]



Display content based on User Role​

In this example, the User Logged In field connection is utilized to show content for any user assigned to the administrator role.


You can replace the administrator role with any other WordPress user role.

[wpbb-if site:logged_in role='administrator']

<h3>This text will only be visible to users assigned to the administrator role.</h3>


Display tags for posts that have tags​

In this example, the Post Term List field connection is utilized to display all tags assigned to a post. If a post has no tags, then no tags will be shown.

[wpbb-if post:terms_list taxonomy='post_tag']

<p>Tagged in: [wpbb post:terms_list taxonomy='post_tag' html_list='no' display='name' separator=', ' limit='' linked='yes']</p>


Else [wpbb-else]​

Below are some examples that showcase the practical use of the Else [wpbb-else] shortcode:

This example demonstrates the use of the [wpbb-else] statement to verify the presence of a featured image in a post. When the statement is TRUE, the post's featured image will be shown. If the statement is FALSE, the fallback image will be displayed instead.

[wpbb-if post:featured_image]

<div class="fl-post-image">

[wpbb post:featured_image size="large" display="tag" linked="yes"]



<div class="fl-post-image">

<img src="" alt="Fallback Image">



Show Content if Field is Empty​

This example demonstrates the use of the [wpbb-else] statement to verify whether a post's Advanced Custom Field (ACF) field is empty or not. When the statement is TRUE, the post's ACF field value will be shown. If the statement is FALSE, the fallback content will be displayed instead.

[wpbb-if post:acf type='text' name='ACF_FIELD_NAME']

<p>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='ACF_FIELD_NAME']</p>


<p>This post's ACF field is empty!</p>


If Not [wbpp-if !]​

Below are some examples that showcase the practical use of the If Not [wpbb-if !] shortcode:

This example tests for the absence of a featured image.

[wpbb-if !post:featured_image]

<div class="fl-post-image">

<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='FIELD_NAME' image_size='large' display='url']">



Test for Absence of Field Value​

This example tests for the absence of a post's Advanced Custom Field (ACF) field value. If the statement evaluates to TRUE, the text "This post's FIELD_NAME has no value." will be displayed. This is a great way to locate posts that are missing a value for a specific field.

[wpbb-if !post:acf type='image' name='acfimg']

<h3>This post's FIELD_NAME has no value.</h3>
