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Version: Beaver Themer 1.4

The Events Calendar Field Connections

The article covers all available field connections for The Events Calendar plugin.

The field connections listed in this article supports both the free and the premium versions of The Events Calendar plugin with the Event Field becoming available only when the premium version is installed.


Some of the date field connections allow you to configure the date format using PHP date() function. You can learn more from the WordPress formatting date and time article.

Event Date and Time​

Outputs an event's date and time e.g. August 1st @ 12:00 am - 9:00 am UTC+0. All day events return only the date e.g. August 1st.

The field connection uses tribe_events_event_schedule_details() function and has no format options. The date format can be adjusted from Events > Settings > Display within your WordPress dashboard.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_date_and_time]

Event Start Date​

Outputs an event's start date e.g. August 1st with the option to set the date format using the format='' attribute.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_start_date format='']

If format='' remains empty the format will default to what is configured in Events > Settings > Display within your WordPress dashboard.

Event Start Time​

Outputs an event's start time e.g. 12:00am.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_start_time]

Event End Date​

Outputs an event's end date e.g. August 2nd with the option to set the date format using the format='' attribute.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_end_date format='']

Event End Time​

Outputs an event's end time e.g. 13:00pm.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_end_time]

Event Cost​

Outputs an event's cost e.g. 100. A value of "Free" is returned when "0" is entered as the event cost.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_cost]

Event Website URL​

Outputs the event's website URL e.g.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_website_url]

You can wrap the field connection shortcode with <a> tags to make a link.

<a href="[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_website_url]" title="My Event URL">My Event URL</a>

Outputs the event's website URL as a HTML link and uses "View Event Website" as link text.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_website_link]

Event Full Address​

Outputs the event's full address which includes address, city, country, state or province, and postal code.

For example, Hoover Dam, Boulder City, NV 89005 United States.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_address]

Event Map URL​

Outputs an event's map URL. For example:

Similar to the website URL field connection you can wrap this in <a> tags to create a link.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_map_url]

Outputs an event's URL as a HTML link and uses "+ Google Map" as link text.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_map_link]

Event Address​

Outputs an event's address first line e.g. Hoover Dam.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_address_first_line]

Event City​

Outputs an event's address city e.g. Boulder City.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_address_city]

Event State​

Outputs an event's address state. US states are abbreviated e.g. NV instead of Nevada.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_address_state]

Event Region​

Outputs an event's address region e.g. NV (effectively the same as Event State).

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_address_region]

Event Zip​

Outputs an event's zip code e.g. 89005.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_address_zip]

Event Phone​

Outputs an event's phone number e.g. +1 702-494-2517.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_phone]

Event Venue​

Outputs an event's venue e.g. Hoover Dam.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_venue]

Event Venue Content​

Outputs an event's venue content i.e. the content added to the WordPress editor when creating or editing a venue.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_venue_content]

Event Venue URL​

Outputs an event's venue URL e.g.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_venue_url]

Outputs an event's venue URL as a HTML link and uses the venue name as link text.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_venue_link]

Event Venue Website URL​

Outputs an event's venue website URL.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_venue_website_url]

Outputs an event's website URL as a HTML link and uses "View Venue Website" as link text.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_venue_website_link]

Event Organizer​

Outputs an event's organizer name.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_organizer]

Event Organizer Content​

Outputs an event's organizer content i.e. the content added to the WordPress editor when creating or editing a venue.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_organizer_content]

Event Organizer URL​

Outputs an event's organizer URL e.g.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_organizer_url]

Outputs an event's organizer URL as a HTML link and uses organizer title as link text.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_organizer_link]

Event Organizer Website URL​

Outputs an event's organizer website URL.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_organizer_website_url]

Outputs an event's organizer website URL as a HTML link and uses "View Organizer Website" as link text.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_organizer_website_link]

Event Organizer Phone​

Outputs an event's organizer phone number.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_organizer_phone]

Event Organizer Email​

Outputs an event's organizer email address.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_organizer_email]

Event Field​


This field connection is only available when you have the Pro version of The Events Calendar plugin installed.

The Event field outputs any custom fields created from the Events > Settings > Additional Fields tab within your WordPress dashboard.

The field connection supports all field types which are Text, Text Area, URL, Radio, Checkbox, and Dropdown. Add the Field Label into the shortcodes name='' attribute for the field you wish to display.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_field name='']

Outputs an event's back url as a HTML link and uses "« All Events" as link text.

Outputs an event's organizer website URL as a HTML link and uses "View Organizer Website" as link text.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_back_link]

Events Back URL​

Outputs an event's back url e.g.

[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_back_url]