📄️ Add Themer support to your theme
Most themes support Archive, Singular, and 404 Themer layouts out of the box. However, to support the Beaver Themer Header, Footer, and Part layouts, the theme must allow its header, footer, and parts to be removed using hooks.
📄️ Conditional logic APIs
This document covers APIs for writing custom rules for the Beaver Themer conditional logic feature in third-party plugins.
📄️ Customize field connections
There are several ways to customize field connections:
📄️ Add custom attributes to Beaver Themer layouts
You can easily add custom attributes when you need them for your Beaver Themer layouts.
📄️ Customize Themer modules
There are some Beaver Builder modules that are specific to Themer layouts, such as the Post Navigation module for Singular layouts. You can modify or add features to these Themer-specific modules by overriding them with modules that you design.
📄️ Hide a row or module when a field connection is empty
There may be times when you don't want entire rows or modules to show up when a field connection is empty.
📄️ Themer hooks reference
The list of Beaver Themer hooks is autogenerated from the code at .
📄️ WP-CLI for Beaver Themer
WP-CLI is a set of command-line tools for managing WordPress installations. You can update plugins, configure multisite installs and much more, without using a web browser.