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Version: Beaver Themer 1.4

WooCommerce Field Connections

The article covers all available field connections for the WooCommerce plugin. The field connections listed in this article require the WooCommerce plugin to be installed and active on your WordPress site.

Add to Cart Button​

Outputs an add to cart button. A Variable Product will display dropdown boxes to select variation options above the add to cart button.

[wpbb post:woocommerce_add_to_cart_button]

Product Attributes​

You can use the Term List field connection to output product attributes created via WordPress Admin Dashboard > Products > Attributes. This is done by prefixing the slug of the product attribute with pa_ as shown in the example below.

[wpbb post:terms_list taxonomy='pa_attributeName' html_list='no' display='name' separator=', ' limit= linked='yes']

The attribute slug can be found in the WordPress Admin Dashboard > Products > Attributes menu.

Product Images​

Outputs a product image and gallery.

[wpbb post:woocommerce_product_images]

Product Meta​

Outputs a product's meta. Example: SKU: beaver-builder-vneck-tee Category: Tshirts Tag: orange

[wpbb post:woocommerce_product_meta]

Product Ordering​

Outputs the dropdown sort list that has choices for Default, Popularity, Price, etc.


Available on archive layouts only.

[wpbb archive:woocommerce_catalog_ordering]

Product Price​

Outputs a product’s price. Examples: $12.00 or $9.99 - $14.99 (for variable products).

[wpbb post:woocommerce_product_price]

Product Rating​

Outputs a product's rating with a link to the reviews tab e.g. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (1 customer review)

[wpbb post:woocommerce_product_rating]

Product Result Count​

Outputs the number of products displayed in the layout, such as "Showing 1–10 of 18 results."


Available on archive layouts only.

[wpbb archive:woocommerce_result_count]`  

Product Sale​

Outputs a sale label if a product has a sale price.

[wpbb post:woocommerce_sale_flash]

Product Short Description​

Outputs a product's short description.

[wpbb post:woocommerce_product_short_description]

Product SKU​

Outputs a product's stock-keeping unit (SKU).

[wpbb post:woocommerce_product_sku]
  • Options

    • Prefix Text - Accepts either 1 ("True") to allow a custom prefix in the next field or 0 ("False") to display only the SKU.
    • Prefix - The prefix text to display (Default text is "SKU: ")
  • Example

    [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_sku sku_prefix='1' prefix_text='Item Number:']

Product Tabs​

Outputs the product tabs Description, Additional Information and Reviews.

[wpbb post:woocommerce_product_tabs]

Product Title​

Outputs a product's title.

[wpbb post:woocommerce_product_title]

Product Upsells​

Outputs upsell products.

[wpbb post:woocommerce_product_upsells]

Product Weight​

[wpbb post:woocommerce_product_weight]
  • Options

    • Prefix Text Accepts either 1 ("True") to allow a custom prefix in the next field or 0 ("False") to display only the Weight.
    • Prefix The prefix text to display (Default text is "Weight: ")
  • Example

    [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_weight show_prefix='yes' prefix='Weight:']

Outputs related products.

[wpbb post:woocommerce_related_products]

Store Breadcrumbs​

Outputs WooCommerce breadcrumbs. Example: Home / Mugs / Beaver Builder Mug


Available on both archive & singular layouts.

[wpbb post:woocommerce_breadcrumb]