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Version: Beaver Themer 1.4

Singular layout: Product Price module

The Product Price module is in the WooCommerce modules category, which appears only when you're editing a Singular-type layout in Beaver Themer and you've assigned a single product page as the location.

Like the price display on the default WooCommerce product page, when the product has variations with different prices, the Product Price module displays the price range. The exact price after an option is selected is displayed in the area handled by the Add to Cart Button module, as shown in the following screenshot.

Module settings​

This module has a Style tab and an Advanced tab.

On the Style tab you can customize the following settings:

  • Alignment (left center, right)
  • Font size
  • Text color

On the Advanced tab, you can customize margins, responsive layout, visibility, animation, and assign an ID or class name.