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Version: Beaver Builder 2.8

Icons Tab

The Icons tab in the Beaver Builder settings lets you enable, disable icon sets and upload custom icon sets which can be used in Beaver Builder modules.

Access Icons tab​

  1. Access your site's WordPress Admin Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Beaver Builder.
  3. Then click the Icons tab.

Access Icons tab

Included icon sets​

Beaver Builder comes with icon sets from three sources enabled by default:

The Font Awesome 5 icon set is separated into styles which you can enable or disable:

  • Font Awesome Solid
  • Font Awesome Regular
  • Font Awesome Light (Pro only)
  • Font Awesome DuoTone (Pro only)
  • Font Awesome Brands

Enable or disable icon sets​

This applies to both built-in and custom icon sets.

  1. On the WordPress admin panel, click Settings > Beaver Builder.
  2. Click the Icons tab.
  3. Select or clear checkboxes to enable or disable the icon sets.

Custom Icons​

You can use the IcoMoon App or Fontello to create and download a custom icon set as a web font, then upload it so Beaver Builder can use it. Here are the instructions for each task.


If you use icons from different icon sets on the same page, creating a custom icon set with just those icons is a great way to reduce page load time. That way Beaver Builder only loads one icon set.

IcoMoon App​

  1. Open the IcoMoon App.

  2. Select the icons you want in your set by clicking on them.
    You can select icons from paid or free libraries by clicking the Icon Library button in the top toolbar. If you have your own icons, you can upload them by clicking Import icons in the top toolbar.

  3. Once you have your set selected, click Generate font in the lower right corner, verify your font set, then click Preferences in the toolbar.

  4. Change Font name to something that will help you remember the set in Beaver Builder.


    This step is optional, but the default font name is icomoon, so if you import more than one IcoMoon icon set, Beaver Builder will display the same icomoon label for both.

  5. Rename the Class prefix from icon- to anything else.


    Be sure to provide a custom class prefix. If left unchanged, multiple icon fonts using IcoMoon's default icon- prefix may conflict, causing some to display incorrectly or not display within Beaver Builder’s icon picker.

  6. Open the CSS Selector section and choose either Use attribute selectors or Use a class. Don't choose to use the <i> tag, because it can override all other fonts' styling in Beaver Builder.

  7. Click X in the upper right corner to close the Preferences window.

  8. Click Download.
    The download file is a zip file prefixed with icomoon.

  9. Follow the instructions below to import your icon set.


  1. Go to the Fontello site.

  2. Select the icons you want in your set by clicking on them or upload SVG icons by dragging them in. See the Fontello help for additional information.

  3. Once you have your set selected, add an optional custom font name in the upper right corner. Mousing over the font name field will tell you the naming constraints.

  4. Click Download webfont in the upper right corner.
    The download file is a zip file prefixed with fontello.

  5. Follow the instructions below to import your icon set into Beaver Builder.

Import custom icon set​

  1. On the WordPress admin panel, click Settings > Beaver Builder.
  2. Click the Icons tab, then click Upload Icon Set.
  3. When the Media Library upload window opens, select your zip file. After the icon set has uploaded, click Select file.

The custom icon set appears in the Icons tab list with one of the following names:

  • The custom font name you assigned
  • IcoMoon (the default name for IcoMoon downloads)
  • Fontello plus the date uploaded to the Media Library.

Enable Font Awesome PRO icons (Deprecated)​

This setting is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. For Font Awesome Pro icons or Font Awesome version 6+, install the official Font Awesome plugin.

See the Font Awesome Integration article for more information.