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Version: Beaver Builder 2.8

20: Module Aliases

Module aliases are a way to create copies of modules with pre-configured settings without having to completely write a new module from scratch. While the module aliases settings are pre-configured when a user drops the module on the page, the settings can still be changed by the user.

Registering your Module Alias​

Registering your Module Alias is done through the FLBuilder::register_module_alias method call. That method accepts two parameters: the name of your module class and an associative array of information for building your settings form with the pre-configured settings.

You can see examples uses of Module Aliases in Beaver Themer and with the Box Module preset options in Beaver Builder.


Box Module Example​

This creates an alias of the Box Module that then is a module for Horizontal Flex Columns.

FLBuilder::register_module_alias( 'horizontal-stack', [
'module' => 'box',
'name' => __( 'Flex Columns', 'fl-builder' ),
'description' => __( 'A simple flex column', 'fl-builder' ),
'category' => __( 'Box', 'fl-builder' ),
'icon' => 'layout.svg',
'settings' => [
'layout' => 'flex',
'flex_direction' => 'row',
'child_flex' => [ 'grow' => '1' ],
'margin_top' => '0',
'margin_right' => '0',
'margin_bottom' => '0',
'margin_left' => '0',
'template' => [
[ 'box', [] ],
[ 'box', [] ],
[ 'box', [] ],
] );

Themer Example​

This creates a Module alias of the Heading module to create an Archive Title Module by pre-configuring the Heading field to be connected to the Archive title field connection.

FLBuilder::register_module_alias( 'fl-archive-title', array(
'module' => 'heading',
'name' => __( 'Archive Title', 'bb-theme-builder' ),
'description' => __( 'Displays the title for the current archive.', 'bb-theme-builder' ),
'group' => __( 'Themer Modules', 'bb-theme-builder' ),
'category' => __( 'Archives', 'bb-theme-builder' ),
'enabled' => FLThemeBuilderLayoutData::current_post_is( 'archive' ),
'settings' => array(
'tag' => 'h1',
'connections' => array(
'heading' => (object) array(
'object' => 'archive',
'property' => 'title',
'field' => 'text',
) );