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Version: Beaver Builder 2.8

07: Module JavaScript

Beaver Builder gives you two entry points for defining JavaScript for your module, both of which are optional and don't need to be included for your module to work.

Global JavaScript​


This file should contain JavaScript that will be applied to all module instances within a builder layout.

Instance JavaScript​


This file is used to render the JavaScript for each individual instance of your module. Note that this is JavaScript that applies to each instance, not global JavaScript that should be applied to all instances. Use js/frontend.js if you would like to include global JavaScript for your module.

In addition to the full WordPress environment, within this file, you have access to the following variables:

$module object​

An instance of your module class that has all of the properties and methods of the parent FLBuilderModule class in addition to the properties and methods that you define.

$id string​

The module's node ID.

$settings object​

An object that contains the module settings you defined when registering your module. Use these to output JavaScript or check for certain conditions before doing so.


console.log('Module ID: <?php echo $id; ?>');
console.log('Text: <?php echo $settings->text_field; ?>');