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Version: Beaver Builder 2.8

08: Module property reference

$category string​

The category that your module will appear in the Beaver Builder editor's module list.

$description string​

A short description of what your module does. It is not currently used within Beaver Builder but may be in the future.

$dir string​

The directory path to your module. This should include the trailing slash.

$editor_export boolean​

Set this to false if you do not want a stripped down version of your module exported to the default WordPress editor when publishing a layout.

$enabled boolean​

Set this to false to disable your module and keep it from appearing in Beaver Builder's module list.

$group string​

The group that your module will appear in Beaver Builder's group selector. You may omit this property if you would like your module to appear in the main Standard Modules group.

$icon string​

An SVG icon for your module. Check out the guide adding icons to your custom modules for a complete reference. You may omit this property if you would like to use the default icon.

$name string​

The name of your module that will appear in Beaver Builder's module list.

$node string​

The module's unique ID that doesn't change, even if it is exported and imported into another database.

$partial_refresh boolean​

Set this to true if you would like to enable partial refresh for your module. Please see the partial refresh reference before doing so.

$url string​

The URL path to your module. This should include the trailing slash.

$include_wrapper boolean​

This determines whether the normal wrapper divs are included when rendering this module. Defaults to true for backwards compatibility but is recommended to be set to false.

If set to false, the module attributes need to be rendered in the frontend.php file.

<div <?php $module->render_attributes(); ?>>
<!-- Module Content -->

This does not currently work with self-closing tags like <img />. A top level element must exist and there must only be one. There cannot be two root elements side by side.

$accepts string or array​


This is experimental. It was created for the box module and hasn't been tested for other module use. Use at your own risk.

Accepts an array of module slugs that can be nested inside the module. Or use the string all to allow all modules to be nested.

Defaults to an empty string so that no modules can be nested.